Lavish Grace

So, I’m doing a series of devotionals for Titus Women (the ministry I work for), going basically verse by verse through the book of Ephesians. I may or may not post them all here, since at the rate I’m going I probably won’t finish the book for 6 months. I’ve been amazed how long I can linger over one or two verses. There’s so much depth and beauty in Scripture, so much to ponder. Here are this week’s thoughts on two verses from Ephesians 1.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight. (Ephesians 1:7-8 ESV)

Grace. Amazing Grace. Unthinkable Grace. Lord help me if I ever get over it or get used to it.

In Jesus we are redeemed and forgiven, completely. My sin—my pride, my lust, my cynicism, my disobedience—doesn’t factor into the equation anymore. His precious blood cancels the debt I have wracked up, the debt I can never repay. I’m redeemed, made his own, brought in as a cherished member of the family.

It is crazy.

Seriously, who would have ever seen it coming? Who ever would’ve guessed? Grace is a glorious surprise, more than we would dare to hope for or even think to expect. It doesn’t make sense that God would be gracious, but he delights to be so. It’s Amazing.

I love the extravagance in these verses. He lavishes the riches of his grace upon us. If I can be so bold, it almost sounds wasteful to me. His grace is not on a budget. He gives from vast stores that will not run out. There is enough for me, even me. There is no place I can go that grace cannot go further still. No wonder the Bible calls it good news.

This week, I pray each of us know the riches of his grace lavished on us—lavished on you. He will not hold back on you, and you cannot outrun his grace. It’s stunning, and it’s true.



  1. Amy - November 17, 2013 @ 12:32 am

    Erin, so often when I read your words I am left in the same awkward position. All I have in response is a facebook “thumbs up” or a cheesy “amen.” You speak such honest truths so eloquently that all I’m left with is “mmmmmm” and a hearty nod. So once again….I tearfully nod. Heartily. :)

  2. Steve - November 21, 2013 @ 11:22 am


    This line is so rich! It reminds me of how glorious grace is — how it is the gold of our human experience. What a wonderful thin to help my morning — thank you so much for writing this.

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